How to Clear Airport Security

Immediately after the events of 9/11 it had become common practice around the world to increase security procedures at airports to keep everyone better protected from such catastrophes. Departments like Homeland Security and the TSA were created to better aid in the process of clearing passengers through airports. The service Clear Me was then spawned in 2005 to fight the ever increasing amount of time it takes to clear airport security. After folding in 2009 though it's now making a comeback with new associates in the cockpit and will maybe one day become; a household term.

What makes Clear Me so useful is that it allows its members to swiftly pass through the first stages of airport security at participating airports. This is done by displaying a specialized biometric ID card to security at specified checkpoints. Though it doesn't get a person passed ever checkpoint Clear Me will shave off about 20 or 30 minutes of your total wait time.

Because it's a security measure an participant cannot just willy-nilly sign up for Clear Me without qualifying first. To be eligible one must supply clear pieces of information. This includes multiple forms of government issued IDs, passing a Lexus Nexus background check and submitting to a fingerprint an iris scan. After agreeing to a yearly fee of about $200 and acquired your biometric ID card you'll be able to gain access to Clear Me's advantages and more efficiently
clear airport security.

Even though the services you acquire from Clear Me are precise and clear cut some people still do not believe
it's really worth it. For a constant annual fee of $200 it's really only saving you 20 or 30 minutes each trip. Some may think that money would be better spent elsewhere but it's hard to disregard the fact

You can continue to be a sheep in the herd and stand in line waiting for the TSA agents to grope you or you can be original. By signing up for Clear Me you will be one step in front of the rest and nothing is greater than being the best and the smartest person in the room


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