Long Island Housing and Downtown Revitalization

By Dutch Kiesecker

Anyone who lives here knows that Long Island is hands down one of the best places in the world to live. With the serene and calming beaches, large amounts of untouched wildlife and wholesome family communities; one can easily see why it's such a prime place to raise a family. But as time presses on Long Island is being forever changed through urbanization. Taxes are forever increasing, urban sprawl is encroaching on the wildlife and Long Island housing is more and more geared towards single family households. It becomes apparent that in order to save what we love about Long Island we'll have to think differently about how we conduct our lives.

Anyone living here knows that one of the biggest problems facing Long Island currently is the traffic. Commuting from the more condensed atmosphere of Nassau County to the open areas of eastern Suffolk it clear that traffic is an every growing problem. The answer though lies in the downtowns of Long Island. By redesigning the downtowns to be more; friendly to pedestrians, bicyclists and public transportation people will begin to change the way they think about operating in their lives. With greater access to public transportation comes relief of traffic congestion and maybe even help in the reduction of air pollution.

Long Island housing is a second prevailing issue facing us islanders
. A mere 17% of all housing on Long Island is rental property and so lower income individuals are having a harder and harder time finding a promising home to live in. The answer though still lies in the downtown of Long Island. By reconfiguring existing downtown locations to better fit more cost effective rental properties we can preserve the natural environment while managing the costs of living.

The key to a bright and prosperous future for all Long Islanders is consistently found in the redesigning of Long Island
downtowns. The plague of urban sprawl is dooming our parks and wildlife and so to concentrate efforts on improving on downtowns in a more ergonomic fashion we can save the wildlife ad have positive impacts on people's lives. One example on these improvements is to alter current parking lots known as "gray fields" into multi-tier parking garages. This will automatically create more space without damaging historical landmarks or more natural greenery.

Build a Better Burb has become dedicated to the revitalization of Long Island's downtowns for future inhabitants. Taking a 21st century approach to transportation necessities and housing standards we are constantly stepping closer to preserving all that makes the island one of the best places in the world to live.


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